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Main Task: Evaulation question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Since the start of my AS coursework unit, I have had the chance to use many products of technology. Firstly for instance, after the instruction of my media teacher, I set up an online blog on blogger.com to store and present all the work that I did for my coursework. Having never previously used or set up a blog in my life, I found it a bit difficult in setting up the blog itself. Also I found it very tedious to set up the blog because of the website powering the blog, I had to set up a new email address, just so that I can verify the new blog and begin to use it. However with the set up of my blog finished, I found most of the concept of blogger to be plain sailing. One of the only problems with blogger was that the fact that when it came to uploading pieces of work, at times, Bloggers server would crash, leaving me the only option of having to upload bits of missing work  at later time and sometimes at a later day. Also another problem with blogger was that, it would only let me upload one picture before having to log out and log in just to upload another picture. However I still was able to produce all my work on time, regardless of these problems. Ultimately I learned that blogger is a good way to store work in a nice and presentable way.
Fig 1 Blogger Logo

Fig 2 Google Logo
With my coursework blog set up, I used the internet to further enhance and develop my planning and research for my coursework. I used www.google.co.uk  to obtain images of: college magazines front covers, Music magazine front covers, Music magazine content pages and music magazine double page spreads. Ultimately I didn’t really learn anything new because for this part of the coursework, it was simply just putting past internet skills into practice.  With this done, I also used a website called Wikipedia, an online editable encyclopaedia to gain information on publishing houses such as Conde nast and future plc for my case study. Ultimately it was also just putting past skills into practice.  

Fig 3 Microsoft word
For the college part of my coursework I used the Microsoft word to write up a suitable questionnaire to distribute to fellow students in college. With results taken in, I learned to create charts in Microsoft excel- a virtual spreadsheet software. Also I learned how to give them relevant titles; which helped when it came to uploading them onto my blog.

Also I used a product called screen muncher on my blackberry smart phone. This enabled me to gain audience research much quicker than using the questionnaire format. Ultimately I learned that by using screen muncher it was much quicker to obtain results than handing out questionnaires.
Fig 4 Screen muncher

I used a Canon EOS 400D camera to take my pictures for both magazine products. With 10.1 megapixel s, it was a classic camera product many professional photographers tend to use to take photos. This was my first time using such an advanced camera so I had a lot to learn about how to operate the camera properly. Firstly I learnt that to frame a good picture I needed to point a red dot from the camera itself onto the models eye to frame a nice picture. After a couple cock-ups at first, I feel that I mastered that skill and was able to produce some really nice photographs. I also learnt how to frame medium close up shots to use on both magazine front covers.
With planning and research covered I began to use Adobe Photoshop cs3, professional editing software to produce my respective magazines. First time round of using the software, I found it to be very difficult to use due to the advancement of the software. However, in the past I used a program which was very similar to Photoshop which was called Photo impact; a less advanced editing software program for relevant rookie photo editors. So with the basic skills I possessed at the time, I enhanced my ability in basic concepts such as cropping and framing pictures to convey suitable themes. While making my music magazine, I learnt about how to crop backgrounds out of pictures and spot healing brush- a tool which enabled me to remove the spots and blemishes on my models faces to ensure my magazine looked much more realistic. I also learnt about other tools such as horizontal box shapes which allowed me to create columns for my music magazine contents page and double page spread.

Thus to conclude, I have learnt about these technologies and feel that if I was to do this task again in the near future, I would be able to match and even improve the quality of my coursework.

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