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Audience Research Questionnaire

Here is a copy of my initial questionnaire.

This questionnaire is being filled in preparation for my first ever magazines publish in a couple of weeks. I am doing this questionnaire for evidence of student
(Please tick beside the appropriate one)

Q1)   How old are you?
·         16
·         17
·         18
·         19
Q2) What Gender Are You
·         Male
·         Female
Q3) How much would you pay for a magazine?
·         50p
·         £1
·         £1.50
·         £2.00
Q4) what kind of topics would you want to be in the magazine?
·         College life
·         Pastoral Help
·         Music
·         Film

Q5) How often should the magazine be published?
·         Once a week
·         Once a month
·         Once a Term
Q6) Would you like a university section
·         Yes
·         No

Q7) would you like the magazine to include a part about college exams?
·         Yes
·         No
Q8) Would you like the magazine to offer freebies?
·         Yes
·         No

Q9) would you like the magazine to include a part about enrichment?
·         Yes
·         No

Q10) would you be interested in subscribing to the magazine?
·         Yes
·         No

Q11) Do you read magazines regularly?
·         Yes
·         No

Q12) what would you include in the magazine to make it suit your individual needs? (Please State)

Thank You For Giving Up Your Time To Complete This Questionnaire

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