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Main Task: Textual Analysis of a magazine front cover

Denotation: The front cover consists of a colour photograph of a man with his eyes closed and a gun pointed at his chin. The hands on the gun connote his frustration at life while his closed eyes connote a sense of fear of death. The camera shot is a close up and to some sense to a brand new reader may connote the man in the front cover closeness to giving up in his life or what ever career he does. The background of the magazine front cover is grey which is a very dull colour but this could be due to the male in the front cover.
The colours of the anchorage is red and white and the barcode is placed in the lower left corner, with the date of the magazine publish date on top of the barcode.
Anchorage: All text on the front cover is in serif font which could connote the importance of the issues in the magazine. All the text is also bold which also connotes the importance of maybe the content of the magazine or the editor himself. From the text on the magazine front cover, we work out the man on the front cover’s name is the game and that suicide is not opinion for him. These may be due to the fact of the music that he does or the lifestyle he lives by. To a subscribed reader they would know that he is a rapper and that his lifestyle and the music he produces connotes his consistent work rate thus the term ‘suicide is not an option’  has a deeper meaning and implies that he wont give up on his music or maybe even his own loyal fans. The colour of text on the front cover is in some sort of juxtaposition as the colour white connotes a sense of peace and tranquillity while the colour red connotes a sense of violence or murder.
Masthead: The masthead is ‘The Source’ which connotes the exclusiveness of the magazine and its contents. The masthead colour is a very strong red which usually would connote a sense of danger or violence however the editor may have made the masthead red because of the attributes it may have with the games lifestyle. Before becoming a rapper, The Game was a part of a large gang called the ‘pirus’ also known as ‘bloodset’ located in south central Las Angeles; A gang famous across the globe for wearing mostly red outfits and having disputes with another gang called the ‘crips’ , a gang famous wearing mostly blue outfits. Thus the editor may have made the masthead and most of the text red so that it may give the reader a subconscious hint of what the interview or the issue may be because it may include a part about his life story or the dangers he faced growing up in LA.
Cover Photograph: The photograph is of The Game. His posture is very uptight and cautious which could connote his awareness of his enemies or his vulnerability in letting strangers into his personal life. His clothing is a quite basic (a grey top) which connote his rise to the top in terms of finance or music or it could connote that he is trying not to forget about his humble past.
Main Coverline: The text in the main coverline is red which could be the case because of The Games previous lifestyle. The text very well relates to the magazine main photograph because it says ‘THE GAME, Suicide is not option’ and the photo consists of the game in a very suicidal position.
The other cover lines tells us and lets the reader the know that this magazine is a music magazine and that it also a rap magazine only but also that includes other things associated with the genre of music such as games and festivals . The artists on the front cover mentioned are:   Plies, Cool kids and many more, which give the reader an indication that magazine focuses manly on famous rappers of the American kind. All the text in the magazine front cover is in bold which could connote the magazine eagerness to develop a stronger readership .
Colours:    the colours on the magazine front cover are very basic and dull; Red and White which could connote the humble beginnings of the editor behind the magazine and his team.       
From the above analysis of this magazine it is very clear to me that the magazine target audience is that of mostly males who are in there late teens to the early 30s. They are likely to be big fans of rap music and have a good knowledge of the music genre itself. They may not be well educated or they may, that part of analysis is very ambiguous due to the content displayed on the magazine front cover.

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