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Product Evaluation

Task 1.
My first set of tasks for my Media coursework was to create a college magazine font cover and contents with information gathered from my audience research. But before any of this happened I had to know how a typical college magazine front cover looked like. So for my first task I analysed a college magazine front cover and wrote about how its features let the reader know it’s a college magazine and not any other type of magazine. Unfortunately, the first college magazine front cover I analysed was an American football magazine so I had to do the dreary task again. Fortunately, this time I got the college magazine genre right.  
  Here is the college magazine front cover I analysed as evidence of this I have included a couple I wrote in my essay.
(Textual analysis in bold and italic)

‘Denotation: The Magazine Front Page is an photograph of an young caucasian male looking bamboozled with his two separate fingers up. The two fingers look as if they creating a electric shock which connotes that the magazine is vibrant and entertaining. The Bright colours used in the magazine front cover create an impression that the magazine will appeal mostly to the younger generations ( i.e teenagers). Also in the photo the male’s eyes look dismayed which connotes that he may be confused by power sourced from his two fingers. He is in the front of a black background. The magazine seems to made for both male and female even though there is only a male figure on the front page.
Anchorage: All text on the magazine front cover is not serif font which conotes the lack of formality or the relaxed apporach the editor of the magazine may have inisted on. Text on the magazine is mostly in a mixture of blue and white- two colours miles apart on the colour wavelength, which could connote the unusuality of magazine and its intended target audience. Text in some aspect seems to create an impression of being airbrushed which could connote a theme of rebellion from the magazine editor point of view.
Masthead: The masthead of this magazine is in an big bold font, which connotes the confidence or lack of it on the magazine editors behalf. The large masthead also attracts the reader to the unusuality of the magazine and the lack of formality. The word ‘Reverb’ is very informal and it purpose is very ambigious.’
Overall I found that this was a time consuming because of the fact I had to redo it. However a strength of this assignment was that it helped me know what a college magazine looked like in greater detail.  A Weakness of this assignment was that it was very time consuming and tedious at times due to the fact that I had to redo it. After Mrs had given me relevant feedback on the task I uploaded to my Blog.
Task 2
After I had finished my textual analysis, I prepared a questionnaire with 20 questions in preparation for my magazine. I handed out 20 questionnaires to students in my college. From the answers I received from the questionnaire, I took them in consideration and use part of the data to produce my magazine front cover and my contents page.
   Media Studies Questionnaire
This questionnaire is being filled in preparation for my first ever magazines publish in a couple of weeks. I am doing this questionnaire for evidence of student
(Please tick beside the appropriate one)

Q1)   How old are you?
·         16
·         17
·         18
·         19
Q2) What Gender Are You
·         Male
·         Female
Q3) How much would you pay for a magazine?
·         50p
·         £1
·         £1.50
·         £2.00
Q4) what kind of topics would you want to be in the magazine?
·         College life
·         Pastoral Help
·         Music
·         Film
A strength of this task was that it was quick and the data I received helped me to make my magazine front cover. Also it was very easy to upload to ‘Blogger’ as it only was text. A weakness of this assignment was when I received answers back I felt that maybe the people were a bit biased because many people picked the same answers, when it came to certain questions.
Task 3
Subsequently from the answers I received in the questionnaire I put the corresponding data into different bar graphs to help with my next task; ‘Audience research Graphs’
Here are a couple examples of the graphs I produced from the data I received from my questionnaires.

The different colours in the pie chart represent the different answers I received in this particular question.

For my last question I was unable to produce a graph because of the openness of the question.  A Strength of this task was that it helped me make my audience research evaluation much easier. A weakness of this task was that it was very time consuming when I uploaded it to my Blog because I could only upload one graph at a time.  

Task 4
After I had finished producing my graph charts I produced an audience research evaluation to evaluate all that I did in my audience research.  Underneath is an extract from my audience research evaluation
Question 1: How old are you are?
This question was firstly used as a starter question to discover the ages of people and see if there could potentially be a link between the popular age and there answers. For example, will certain age groups like different things? For this and all the questions I used a pie chart because I felt that this chart was the best to use as it is very statistical.
 Of the 20 people used in my questionnaires, a staggering 60% were 17. This promptly let me knew the popular age of the questionnaire. 6 people were 16 years old while 2 people were 18. The questionnaire was distributed to mostly random around college so there was no bias used.
This task on a whole was very time consuming as it took long to upload to Blogger and it was a very long assignment to write 
Task 5
With all my research and analyses done, it was now time to take the relevant pictures for my magazine front cover and contents page. Underneath are examples of pictures I took; 
This was used on my magazine front cover

This was used in my contents page

Overall, this task was not time consuming at all because of the fact I was able to obtain my photos in a matter of minutes. It was also my first time using a professional camera which at first was difficult to use because of my lack of experience however the more and more I used the camera the less difficult it was to use.

This is the camera I used when I was taking photos. It is a Canon EOS 400D.

Task 6
With my photos taken and approved by my teacher, I began to make my magazine front cover. This task took a couple of lessons to do because of my lack of experience with the software, Adobe Photoshop CS3. However I found this task to be very enjoyable because it was fun in my opinion to create a magazine front cover which included people you knew.
Task 7
After I finished my magazine front cover, I began work on my contents page. In all honesty I did not enjoy making my contents page because I felt that it was below standard. It only took me half a lesson to make which in all fairness is not enough to produce an acceptable piece of creative work in media. Underneath is the dreaded piece of work I call an contents page.

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